If you love Cabernet Sauvignon like we love Cabernet Sauvignon, you will not want to miss this tasting. Following on the spectacular Napa Cab tasting we did last season, this week we will tour Washington state in our continuing quest to discover all that there is to love about this grape. The price for the high quality of Washington cabs is unparalleled. It has become one of the dominant grapes of the state where more than 70,000 tons is being produced, and they have the highest percentage of wines scoring over 90 points by the wine critics of any region. Join us as we taste our way through the valleys of Washington with our cab glasses in hand.

Washington Cabernet Sauvignon
Saturday, April 13, 2019 – 7:00 pm
Hosted by Tom and Barb Gravel
1242 Cimarron Blvd., West Fargo

$25 members, $35 non-members

rsvp by Thursday, April 11.